

Posted in: Concrete
Mar 20, 2009 - 3:54:19 PM


This concrete is the latest technological development in the industry.
It has two main characteristics: a very high fluidity and cohesion among the cement paste and its aggregates, allowing it to flow without segregating or reducing or eliminating the consolidation and vibrating of concrete.
We recommend using it on hard to reach setting for concrete.
Specially useful on columns and ties with a high content of reinforcement steel.
Excellent for pre-cast and pre-stressed pieces in which the finishing have to be of a superior quality.
Its high level of fluidity allows for faster setting.
Specially useful in the setting where the quantity of reinforcement steel make it difficult for the concrete and the vibrators to reach.
Its capacity for self-compactibility produce a more dense concrete with a lower permeability.
The resistance to minimum compression is of 250 Kg/cm²
Inflexion resistance ranges from 35 to 50 Kg/cm²
The maximum aggregate size can be of 20 or 40 mm.
The shrinkage on this concrete ranges from 6 to 12 cm.
Meets the requirements established in Norms NMX-C-155 and NMX-C-403 of the Complementary Technical Norms of the G.D.F.

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